Vidyanagar College

About The Department of Sociology

Even though the Department of Sociology was not formed, when Vidyanagar College was established in 1963 keeping in mind the need the local students, a separate department was introduced to teach Sociology as a subject in the year 2011. At the very beginning, under the able guidance of Professor Soumen Das, the college started teaching Sociology in the General Course. Currently the college does not teach Sociology under the Honours Course but there are plans of the college authority to start that in the near future. When the department started in 2011, there was a sanction to acommodate only 65 seats. However, this number has grown substatially over the years and today the college is authorised to enhance the enrolment capacities seats under the General Course. Other activities organised by the department include add-on programme based on life-skill such as, “The Sociological Imagination to Everyday life; Reading text and Watching films” and also individual project works, for which certificates are issued for each and every student
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