Vidyanagar College

About The Department of Physics

The Department of Physics of Vidyanagar College was set up as a part of the Department of Science in the year 1978 for promotion and growth of science in the adjoining rural areas of the college. The mission was to bring the students’ attention to science and give them a chance to learn Physics at Higher Secondary level. Then, there were no institution in the nearby villages to teach Science even at H.S level. Later in the year of 1983, the B.Sc. (General) course in Physics was introduced. The Departmental Laboratory is located on the 1st floor of Science Building covering an area of about 1700 sq. ft. And a very modern style Dark Room is located on the same floor of Science Building covering area of about 200 sq. ft. The Department is equipped with modern up-to-date Practical Instruments. Seminar and Lectures by eminent Scientists are frequently arranged in the Department to orient young minds towards science. And few Add-On Courses were also arranged by the Department. The Department has served the students of poor socio-economic background, and lived up to its reputation of teaching Science to the students, most of whom were first generation learner. The alumni of this Department have continued to glorify different positions in various Academic Institutes, as well as in various post of Govt. and Private sectors.
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